Application / Renewal Steps
Choose one of the following annual membership types:
Initial / Late Renewal / Reactivation (not an active NCGA member): $90.00
Renewal / Multimember (currently an active NCGA member): $80.00
Short Term (Jul 1st thru Dec 31st): $70.00
Please pay dues via
Venmo to
@treasurer-bvgc or
PayPal to
as a "friend" payment
Mail a personal check and
Printed Application to:
Bennett Valley Golf Club
PO Box 2223
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
give cash or check payment directly to the
Membership Chair
Due to fees, a Paypal or Venmo "friend" payment must come from cash or
a linked checking account / debit card, not a credit card.
Last 4 digits of club's Venmo # are 9220.
If the club does not have current contact information or you are a new applicant paying via Paypal / Venmo,
please submit an
Online Application